
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Video Reinterpretation

New Video:

Original Video:

Time Edited: 1:18 - 2:00

I redid this film of recording people staring into a camera. It was a lot tougher than it looked to redo the lighting that was originally recorded. I am satisfied that I got close to it with only a flash light, a camera phone, and a sheet as a light diffuser. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Questions for Reading Discussions: Chapter 4

1.  Video is now such a big part of our culture, with HD recording on phones and major films being made like Avatar, Star Wars etc. How would you draw the line between art and entertainment?

2.  Women have especially taken advantage of this new art form as it emerged.  Many times being explicit to make a point.  How does that affect our perception on feminine art today where there is more equality between men and women artists?  Does it make them seem more extremist because they want to be included in the art world?  Do you think it affects the purpose of many women's art created today? If so, how?