
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Website Re-Purposing

For my design I took the website Planned Parenthood and did something like the Yes Men.  I wanted to expose what they were really saying about certain things. Specifically abortion. I wanted to make it humorous but serious at the same time. I believe I achieved my goal with the harsh and ironic statements.

Original Site:

Friday, February 4, 2011

Questions for Reading Discussions: The Medium is the Massage

1. Jerome Agel said that Michael Faraday had two qualities that made up for his lack of education, fantastic intuition and originality of mind. Has our increasingly interconnected world of technology and media affected our originality of mind? If so, how? Can this relate back to the "aura" that Walter Benjamin mentioned would be lost?

2. What is it that makes parents want to teach their children to, "believe only half of what they see, and nothing of what they here"?